Application to alco and al ni phase diagrams mike widom department of physics, carnegie mellon university, pittsburgh, pennsylvania 152 john a. The calculated heats of formation for aluminides with equiatomic composition are plotted in figure18. The possible methods available for titanium aluminides involve brazing, diffusion bonding, fusion. Systems containing carbides with excellent stability i. The calculations for nial can then be combined with those of niti and alt1 as part of the calculation for the nialti ternary system. Essentials in diffusion behavior of nickel and titaniumaluminides article pdf available in intermetallics 127. The main reason for this huge scientific attention is certainly the large applications of these alloys, especially in the aerospace industry, due to their high oxidation resistance, low density and high melting point. In the first part of the work, ni and sn up to 10 wt% were alloyed to ti to facilitate the diffusion process via. The second portion of the experiment is the optimization of the ni au ratio and thickness. Nickel aluminide ni 3 al is an intermetallic alloy of nickel and aluminium with properties similar to both a ceramic and a metal there are three materials called nickel aluminide. Fabrication of singlephase niti by combustion synthesis of. Figure 4 shows the lattice parameter of ni and the atomic percentage of dissolved ti in ni lattice versus milling time.
The thermodynamic modeling is based on an experimental investigation of the phase equilibria in the composition range of 0. Ti 1023 ti 10v2fe3al 300470 12001400110 800 ti 153 ti 15v3cr3al3sn 300450 800 8001100 80100 760 table 4. High temperature materials for aerospace applications the pressure to increase the operating temperature in turbine engines i. Request pdf xps analysis of pulsedplasma ionnitrided ni and ti aluminides the complex nitrides of intermetallics based on titanium, aluminium and nickel are very promising materials for. Hilpert, thermodynamic activities and phase boundaries of the alloys of the ni 3 alni 3 ti pseudobinary section of the nialti system, metall. Firstprinciples interatomic potentials for transitionmetal.
Ti aluminides would make this material interesting. Status of titanium and titanium alloys in auto applications. Xps analysis of pulsedplasma ionnitrided ni and tialuminides. The majority of the strength characterization studies on ordered intermetallics have concentrated on the assessment of strength and workhardening at conventional strain rates. Apr 17, 2005 alconiti aluminum cobaltnickeltitanium abstract. Dissolution of ti in ni occurs after 3 h and increases with increasing milling time as diffusion progresses. Although the influence of strain rate on the structureproperty relationships of pure nickel, iron, and titanium and a variety of their alloys have been extensively studied, the effect of strain rate on the stress. Characterization of ni al and ti al coatings produced by. Pi tkowski chair of metal alloys and composites engineering, silesian university of technology, ul. Piiasediagram calculationsforniuased superalloys abstract. The ti2alnb orthorhombic phase has been shown to be a strengthening phase in certain nbrich alloy compositions of the nbalti system 7, 8. The heat of formation is remarkable for the case of ni aluminides in comparison to the ti aluminides 9. Titanium aluminide has the potential to replace nickel base superalloys currently in use.
This is particularly true for the phase regions of t 3 al 3 niti 2 with the mgzn 2type structure ranging from al 30 ni 28 ti 42 composition lowest in al to al 50 ni 16 ti 34 composition richest in al and for t 2 al 2 niti. It finds use in several applications including aircraft, jet engines, sporting equipment and automobiles citation needed. Both tial alloys and ti matrix composites have higher strength than traditional alloys and apparently. It is lightweight and resistant to oxidation 1 and heat, however it suffers from low ductility. Essentials in diffusion behavior of nickel and titanium aluminides article pdf available in intermetallics 127.
Nickel aluminide is used as a strengthening constituent in hightemperature nickelbase. Raghavan 1 journal of phase equilibria and diffusion volume 30, pages 199 200 2009 cite this article. Powder metallurgical processing of titanium alloys and aluminides. The basic tial phase diagram and crystal structure of both the ti3al and tial. Ti ni and ti sn and a ti 48al based intermetallic alloy. The oxidation and protection of gamma titanium aluminides. Generally, these are highly loaded components in the engine such. The au is used to prevent the oxidation of the ti al, but it diffuses towards the semiconductor causing degradation of the ohmic contact. Moriarty lawrence livermore national laboratory, university of california, livermore, california 94551 received 8 may 1998. Titanium aluminides reduce weight and meet technical specifications 10 year development technology. Development of the fundamentals of melting and casting technology of alme cr, ni, mo, w, ti master alloys used for modification of microstructure in silumins j. Influence of highstrain rate and temperature on the.
Replacement of nibased superalloy parts with titanium aluminides is expected. Microstructure and mechanical property of porous nickel. The alniti phase diagram has been thermodynamically assessed and a consistent set of thermodynamic functions has been developed. However, in both cases al atoms act as an electron donor. Ti1023 ti10v2fe3al 300470 12001400110 800 ti153 ti15v3cr3al3sn 300450 800 8001100 80100 760 table 4. Tibased and agbased filler metals were the most commonly used for brazing of titanium aluminides 15,17,31,41. Aoki k, izumi o 1979 flow and fracture behaviour of ni3alti single crystals. Table i comparison of titanium aluminides with titanium alloys and superalloys property ti allovs alpha2 gamma sunerallovs density, gcm3 4. Development of the fundamentals of melting and casting. The controversy regarding the tiaio phase diagram, the recently. Singlephase niti was fabricated through the thermal explosion mode of combustion synthesis of mechanically activated powders.
Purchase high temperature aluminides and intermetallics 1st edition. Mechanically alloyed boride ti 50 cu 18 ni 22 al 4 sn 6 glassy alloy composites with a wide supercooled liquid region p. Fabrication of singlephase niti by combustion synthesis. Brazing of titanium aluminides using tibased filler metal. Thermodynamic calculations in alloys tial, tife, al. Nontial aluminides fe aluminides the role of stable nanoparticles on improving the creep resistance of iron aluminides 361 d. Ti and ni aluminides with additional alloying elements are the most widely studied, the studies including extensive computer simulation work 16. Grain boundaries and surfaces in feal, nial, coal and tial by batsirai m. Status of titanium and titanium alloys in auto applications lothar wagner. There were regularities found in the formation of structural components of aluminum alloys nial, nialcr, nialmo, nialw, nialti. Diana farkas materials engineering science abstract ordered intermetallics based on transition metal aluminides have been proposed as structural materials for advanced aerospace applications. Melting, casting, and processing of ni,aibased alloys the high aleurn content of the aluminides required the development of a special.
Firstprinciples investigation of the nifeal system. Feal and nial, in high temperature ordered intermetallic alloys iv. It should be noted that the ni and cu in the filler metal reacted with the tial substrate to form alrich compounds in the center of the joint. This is particularly true for the phase regions of t 3 al 3 niti 2 with the mgzn 2type structure ranging from al 30 ni 28 ti 42 composition lowest in al to al 50 ni 16 ti 34 composition richest in al and for t. Fe, ni, ti, and co aluminides, continually attract attention of materials scientists because of a potentially very attractive set of physical, chemical, thermal and mechanical properties. Powder metallurgical processing of titanium alloys and.
Proceedings of the second international asm conference on high tempareture aluminides and intermetallics 1619 september 1991 san diego, ca, usa s. Nickel aluminide ni 3 al is an intermetallic alloy of nickel and aluminium with properties similar to both a ceramic and a metal. Among the monolithic intermetallic materials, aluminides are important for industrial ap. A calculated isothermal section at c is shown in fig. Status of titanium and titanium alloys in auto applications lothar wagner institute of materials science and engineering clausthal university of technology germany abstract typical potential applications of titanium and titanium alloys in automotive engineering are outlined. Dey g k, sekhar j a 1999 micropyretic synthesis studies of ni, al, ti, and nb containing alloys.
Combustion synthesis reaction behavior of coldrolled ni. Combustion and ignition temperatures of combustion synthesis were investigated in different milling times. The empirical findings show that addition of ni on ductility is effective in those titanium aluminides where the amount of al is less than 50 at % and where the combined amount of ti and early transition elements is more than 50 at %. The current paper investigates the fabrication of nanostructured aluminide intermetallics ni 3 al, nial and ti 3 al starting from elemental nanopowders ni, al, and ti under a more simplified experimental setup as compared to other techniques. Both tial alloys and timatrix composites have higher strength than. Gutierrezurrutia fatigue crack growth resistance of a fe40al alloy prepared. Alconiti aluminumcobaltnickeltitanium springerlink. The al ni ti phase diagram has been thermodynamically assessed and a consistent set of thermodynamic functions has been developed. In this process, equiatomic powder mixtures of nickel and titanium were activated by planetary ball mill and pressed into diskshaped pellets then heated in a. According to the fact that the ni lattice parameter increases by 0. Nonmagnetic al is again stable in a fcc structure, but with a much larger lattice constant compared to fccni, since the atomic radius of al is 15% bigger than the atomic radius of ni ni and fe atoms have nearly identical atomic radii in the solid state. Ni, feniti, fealnizr, nicralw, alfeniti and fealnicr 1. In this thesis, the economical powder metallurgical approach was investigated to produce two ti binary alloys i.
It is lightweight and resistant to oxidation and heat, however it suffers from low ductility. Firstprinciples investigation of the nifeal system arxiv. Extensive development efforts over the past 10 years have led to the. Mohammad zamanzade 1, afrooz barnoush 2 and christian motz 1. Refractory metal systems investigated included co, cr, fe, hf, mo, nb, ta, ti, w, and zr.
Nickel aluminide ni3al is an intermetallic alloy of nickel and aluminium with properties similar. Alloys were prepared by argonarc or vacuumelectron beam melting of elemental powder blends. The nialti system is one of the key model systems for technically important materials based on nickel and titanium aluminides. The in situ processing involves the reaction synthesis rs of the nanopowder green compacts in an airfurnace from which nanostructured aluminides. The ti2alnb orthorhombic phase has been shown to be a strengthening phase in certain nbrich. Welding and joining of titanium aluminides is the key to making them more attractive in industrial fields. Structural alloys derived from these intermetallic phases are. Pdf physical metallurgy of nickel aluminides researchgate.
Tini and tisn and a ti48al based intermetallic alloy. Abinitio calculations abstract we report theoretical results on dislocation slip and twinning in ni3 al, ti, ta, hf compositions with l12 crystal structures utilizing. Ni, ti, and al elemental powders were mixed in the stoichiometric ratio corresponding to the ni 3al and ti 3al intermetallics at molar proportion of 3. Traditional ti 15cu15ni filler metal and the majority of ti zrcu ni based filler metals are suitable for brazing titanium aluminides and ti matrix composites with the joint strength about 0. High temperature materials for aerospace applications. Proceedings of the second international asm conference on high tempareture aluminides and intermetallics 1619 september 1991 san diego, ca. The number of electrons in each of nickels shells is 2, 8, 16, 2 and its electron configuration is ar3d 8 4s 2. Electrochemical performance of fe40alx x cr, ti, co. Dislocation slip and twinning in nibased l12 type alloys.
Application to alco and alni phase diagrams mike widom department of physics, carnegie mellon university, pittsburgh, pennsylvania 152 john a. Firstprinciples interatomic potentials for transitionmetal aluminides. Firstprinciples investigation of the nifeal system f. As an example for this serve alloys which are based on ti, fe and ni aluminides 9. The present study reports on ni 3al and ti 3albased intermetallics coated on aisi 1010 steel substrate by onestep pressure assisted electric current activated sintering method. Raghavan the data on this quaternary system are limited to the quaternary phase equilibria b2l2 phase boundary on the nialniticoticoal plane with starting metals of 99. Traditional ti15cu15ni filler metal and the majority of tizrcunibased filler metals are suitable for brazing titanium aluminides and timatrix composites with the joint strength about 0.
Combustion synthesis reaction behavior of coldrolled nial. The two aluminides of significance in the nial system figure 1 are ni3al and nial. Mohammad zamanzade 1, afrooz barnoush 2 and christian. In the first part of the work, ni and sn up to 10 wt% were alloyed to ti to facilitate the diffusion process via liquid phase sintering mechanisms. Pdf essentials in diffusion behavior of nickel and. An oxidationresistant coating alloy for gamma titanium. Suspension springs in general, springs are used to store elastic energy. Interatomic potentials for ternary nb ti al alloys. Titanium aluminide, ti al, commonly gamma titanium, is an intermetallic chemical compound. The application of titanium aluminides will be driven by the commitment to high.
T t7verecrbdfdevaavcrefcv3nhtnzvudecvbxey3ihtivbdzvdecvbxey3et. High temperature aluminides and intermetallics 1st edition. Mechanically alloyed borideti 50 cu 18 ni 22 al 4 sn 6 glassy alloy composites with a wide supercooled liquid region p. Request pdf xps analysis of pulsedplasma ionnitrided ni and tialuminides the complex nitrides of intermetallics based on titanium, aluminium and nickel are very promising materials for. Dey g k, sekhar j a 1999 micropyretic synthesis studies of ni, al, ti, and nbcontaining alloys. Physical metallurgy of nickel aluminides citeseerx. Replacement of ni based superalloy parts with titanium aluminides is expected to reduce the structural weight of highperformance gas turbine engines lead to significant increase in engine performance and fuel efficiency. Synthesis of complexalloyed nickel aluminides from oxide.
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